The present project aims to present a comprehensive and updated approach to Mr. 2190/1920 and the law of limited liability companies in general. To this end, it aims to follow all developments in legislation and case law, both at national and European level. These developments, both within the EU and in our country, continue to take on explosive dimensions, being "dragged" by the ever-changing economic development, which sometimes goes through the upward and sometimes the downward phase of the cycle. Particular use has been made of the frequently changing case law, which opens up, and at any rate tries to open up, new avenues for solving the problems facing the market. In particular, the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which also influences the interpretation of national law, even when it is not of Community origin.
The aim of the work is not simply to record the positions of case law and the views of theory, but to contribute to the dialogue between them and, above all, to offer practical solutions. The contributors to the two volumes in question, who are distinguished by their scientific excellence, often express innovative views that guide both legal practitioners and theoreticians. These views are usually driven by the protection of the company's stakeholders, the protection of the minority and the enhancement of the flexibility, functionality and stability of this entity.
The classification of the material follows the classic structure of a memorial work: the text of the law is placed first, followed by the bibliography, contents and alphabetical index of the relevant contribution, followed by the text of the interpretation. The first volume of the work interprets Articles 1 to 17b (Chapter 1, General Provisions) of the Law on the interpretation of the Law on the interpretation of the law. 2190/1920, while extensive separate chapters analyse European company law and the case law of the CJEU on companies. The second volume contains the interpretation of Articles 18 to 24 on the Board of Directors, with a separate chapter devoted to remuneration in listed companies and financial sector companies, 25 to 35c on General Meetings, 36 to 40a on Auditors and minority rights and 42e § 5 on affiliated companies.