S. Mouzoulas, Law 3604/2007 for the reform and amendment of Law 2190/1920 on public limited companies, 2008
N. 3604/07, expressing a new philosophy of making the law of public limited companies more flexible, so that companies operate on the basis of rules that correspond to their particular structure, categorizes public limited companies, distinguishing between, firstly, "small" and "large" companies and, secondly, listed and unlisted companies. At the same time, the new law facilitates the operation of public limited companies by simplifying the content of their articles of association and the procedure for the constitution and decision-making of their corporate bodies. In addition, the control of companies is facilitated, first of all, of "small" companies, and then the regular audit and the control of contributions to the company.This study aims at a first interpretative approach to the new provisions as a whole and should be evaluated from this perspective. In particular, it should be stressed that the new provisions have not been the subject of systematic interpretative work, with the exception of some individual studies, but which focus on specific provisions introduced by the new law. Moreover, the application of the new rules has not yet been sufficiently tested, and even less so has the case-law has not carried out any interpretative work, except, of course, on those points where the authors of the new law have attempted to establish rules which had already been adopted by the case-law.